Why You Need Sentinare
What Can Sentinare Do?
By detecting and analyzing human activities, Sentinare can show health trends and send alerts when emergencies, such as falls, are detected. It protects the safety and health of seniors, and provides peace of mind to the caregivers.
Privacy Protection
Privacy-preserving stick figures are transmitted instead of videos, allowing the sensor to be placed anywhere in the home.
Sentinare can recognize simple activities, allowing it to collect statistics and help you to identify anomaly.

Falls are the main cause of injury for seniors:
- 20-30% seniors fall at least once a year.
- 50% of serious falls happen at home.
The good news? Sentinare can detect falls and perform fall risk assessments to help prevent them.
Use the Sentinare app to define whom and what to monitor. For example, when a person with dementia enters a restricted region, such as the exit area.

Other Features

Hand-Waving Detection
Allow people to seek help actively by waving their hand in front of the sensor

Face Recognition
Use face recognition to enable individual statistics and monitoring

Voice Call
Talk to your loved ones directly via the sensor

Secondary Accounts
Invite secondary users to access selected sensors and people

API Integration
Cloud API for third-party integration and further development
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